
Sunday, December 27, 2020

What is Vitamin B-12?
What is Vitamin B-12?

Adequate amounts of Vitamin B-12 are essential for the regulation of blood cells, nervous system and brain cells.

What are the main sources of Vitamin B-12?

Our body cannot make vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is not found in any vegetarian diet. According to a myth, B-12 is found in sprouted beans, but this is not credible. However, farms that grow vegetables using natural fertilizers may contain very small amounts of vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is found in milk. However, frequent boiling of milk reduces the amount of B-12. For a healthy person, a daily dose of 2.5 mg B-12 should be ingested. Drinking one liter of milk will get some of this in the body. People who eat meat regularly have enough B-12 in their body.

Causes of Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

Vitamin B-12 deficiency is common in vegetarians who abstain from eggs, butter, cheese or any dairy products and meat. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can also occur in the following conditions. People who have been taking acidity medications regularly for two years or more have reduced levels of vitamin B-12 in their body. Which can lead to diseases like vitiligo (anemia) brain disease.

Excessive alcohol consumption also leads to a significant reduction in the amount of B-12 in the body. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is most common in patients undergoing surgery to remove a small portion of the stomach or small intestine.

Signs of vitamin B-12 deficiency

Vitamin B-12 deficiency causes vitiligo (anemia). This causes signs of weakness, fatigue, pale skin, and dry tongue. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can have a debilitating effect on the brain and nervous system. If the amount of vitamin B-12 is less than normal, a person may feel tired, have poor memory and often become depressed.

How to diagnose vitamin B-12 deficiency?

Blood tests should be done by every laboratory to determine vitamin B-12 deficiency. Injections and medications are used to increase the amount of vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can be prevented if a person changes their diet or takes supplements. However, there is relief from deficiency through treatment. If there is any damage to the nervous system due to deficiency, it is not compensated.

Treatment guidance

Physicians usually prescribe medication for vitamin B-12 deficiency. If vitiligo (anemia) is caused due to non-availability of B-12 from the diet of the person, then 1 dose of 1000 micro gram(mg) of the drug is given daily. In other cases a dose of 20 micro grams(mg) per day is given.

Although injections of vitamin B-12 are also an excellent tool for treatment, medicine is the best remedy considering the convenience and cost of the person.

A person who cannot take good food. Individuals who get vitamin B-12 should be given vitamin B-12 supplements before they become deficient. Vitamin B-12 injections should only be given if the brain has been affected by vitamin B-12 deficiency. In such cases 1-2 injections of 1000 micro grams(mg) of daily vitamin B-12 should be given intramuscular to the muscles or skin. Then 1000-2000 micro grams(mg) of medicines should be given daily. After 2-3 months, blood test should be done again to know the amount of vitamin B-12.

Writer : Aslam Mathakiya
Designation : TBHV (Tuberculosis Health Visitor)

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